My poor chair blog has been somewhat neglected of late, which I of course feel extremely guilty about. There are fairly good reasons though; I've been doing lots of freelance work and working on two really exciting websites - one is (check it out for great, stylish eco buys) the other one is a bit of a secret but watch this space...
This week has actually been chair-filled in one way or another. Waiting to meet someone at the amazingly impressive One Canada Square, I sat on a Barcelona chair in reception, I've decided that I still want one and while on our way to a press show, my friend Roh and I walked past the Fortune Theatre in Covent Garden which is being refurbished and discovered the developers were giving away the beautiful, Victorian seats from the circle.
But anyway, chair of the week has to go to this rather beautiful specimen from Poltrona Frau (in fact I could happily live with any the chairs from Poltrona Frau) which is called Archibald (how do chairs end up with their names I wonder?) and is by Jean-Marie Massaud.
I adore its delicate folds of leather, its simple design and the colour, it would go perfectly in my new dining room.