Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Library Chair

I clearly love chairs (and rugs and cushions) but I also love books. 

Fiction, non-fiction, biographies, crap novels, brilliant novels - I love them all. I love the way they feel, I love the way they smell, I love the way they look.

Books have had such a profound effect on me that I can still remember the first line of my favourite book when I was 15, I regularly dream about books I've read and my Facebook and Twitter password is the name of the protagonist of one of my favourite childhood books. 

In fact, books have such an effect on me that I once sat on a bus with tears running down my face reading one of the saddest books ever. 

So, imagine my absolute delight and urge to rush out and buy when I saw this chair. 

It's called the Bibliochaise (geddit) and is designed and manufactered by Italian company  Nobody & Co

Its ingenious designs features storage space for a wide number of books and I love it. How bloody clever - a chair that keeps your books in check. 

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