Saturday, 31 January 2009

It's A Winner

Had a very indulgent read of the February issue of Wallpaper* the other night or should I say very early morning (I've been helping out on the launch of the brilliant smarta, which was a bit of shock to the system after having not worked for five weeks and also hence the lack of blogs)

Anyway, the reason I loved the issue so much was because it's their 2009 Design Awards.

Wallpaper* has long been regarded as the authority on cutting edge style and design and this issue was no exception.

And it was great to see chairs well represented in the awards.

But it was this Coen chair by Michael Young for Accupunto that really caught my eye, obviously the eyes of the Wallpaper* judges too, because it won the best dining chair category.

And I for one agree fully with the judges: It's so simple in it's design, it speaks volumes, much more than an elaborate, quirky design and also, surprise, surprise, I love it's slight homage to Scandinavian design.

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